Friday, September 13, 2019

Single Review - Jo Lee - Hicktown Breakout

A new single hit our inbox today from a band called Hicktown Breakout.  We prefer to review songs “blind” but in this case we have not even a picture – but a good song will spark your imagination!

A nice gentle opening on acoustic guitar is quickly joined by drums and then electric guitar – but the tune never changes, which is a lovely touch. In comes the gruff, Americana sounding vocals and the story…

It would seem our singer is in love – but this is no poetic declaration of love, this is a rough and ready statement. In comes that imagination – plaid shirt, dirty truck cowboy, probably a former high school footballer.  He doesn’t know how to spell romantic! The whole sentiment and song feels gritty and rugged.  You can see Jo Lee cringing as he tells his own love story, but inside she has a big beaming smile.

Francesca took a listen to the song, and her imagination was piqued too...

"I hear maturity in the song, this guy has lived and he knows that it is the women that will make this better
There's nothing I can't do with you

He has lived a bit  and he knows about boys and girls, but regardless of time and probably being married to this woman - she drives him crazy after all - he still loves her. 

This song is great because I can't guess the setting - is it UK or US?"

Jo Lee tells a simple tale of love from a simple guy – and the song is the same. Simple, but heartfelt and well performed. I loved the repetition – of the chords, of the name Jo Lee.

A straightforward, honest song about straightforward honest love

He may not be romantic Jo Lee, but he sure does love you!

Hicktown Breakout are relatively new to the scene but are destined to become a well known name if this first single is any indicator.

Recorded at Puzzle Maker Studios in Bristol, find the band on  facebook and online 

Looking to the future, we can expect great music but don’t expect flowers….

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