Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Album Review - All I Own - Jessica Lynn


Jessica Lynn is an absolute bundle of energy, which shows in both her live performances and in her recordings.  With musicians for parents (who are part of her band) it is fair to say that Jessica was born to be on stage, and if you’ve had chance to see her, you will probably agree!


It would take too long to list all of Jessica’s attributes, but being a fighter is near the top of that list, and the new album – All I Own – is testament to her resilience.  Dealing with health issues, wider global problems that affected tours and even adopting a disabled dog, Jessica doesn’t let anything hold her back – in fact, she seems to channel it all into her music!

The first track, Bet On It, lays down a marker for the album.  Heavy guitar riff, strong rhythm and Jessica’s Country Rock vocal lets you know from the off that this is not an album of soft ballads! Something Bout You continues the vibe, albeit with a slightly lighter instrumental line, putting more focus on the words and emotion in them.  Ain’t Done With You shows that the band can drive a song in different ways, always guitar driven but this time with a great drum/percussion added to it.  The title track All I Own takes a small break from the rock, with acoustic guitar and strings perfectly accompanying the first softer song.  Jessica has the ability to switch between rocking out and emotional, at live shows she has reduced an audience to absolute silence while listening. 

Shame changes tempo again, a very Latin feel incorporating some pop style production and using the best of these styles.  If Shame is Latin, Mixed Signals is unashamedly rock, summoning up a smoke-filled dive bar sound and feel, bringing in a bluesy edge.


Scott Vincent

The entire album is incredibly listenable, as Jessica goers “twisting and turning” through different styles, changes of tempo, fabulous use of instrumentation to accompany each track.  From the near theatrical Mixed Signals into the more country sounding Straight Outta Luck and then the beautiful, heartfelt duet You Save Me, any part of this album takes you on a journey.  While the songs form part of Jessica’s journey, you are able to use them for your own story too.

From the evocative harmonies and steel of You Save Me, the drums and rock edge are back with 16 Miles, but this time with a gospel feel, and strings playing the part of the backing choir.  Despite setbacks – medical, global and personal, Jessica will never hide, never use anything as an excuse.  The recording of this album was a physical trial and so it is fitting that the closing track is I Never Said It’d Be Easy.  Maybe the most obviously personal track of the ten, it is an anthem to overcoming struggles but in the uplifting style that we have come to expect from listening to Jessica in the studio and live.  It’s the perfect ending to an close to perfect album


Silverball Country

The talent, the passion, the fight is all clear to see.  Behind the performer is a tight family and a fabulous welcoming manner.  The album is a personal journey, but one we are invited to join in with and interpret our own way.  It’s like a ten track recording of Jessica cheering us all on from the sidelines.

All I Own, the new album from Jessica Lynn is available to download or stream from Friday 17 January.

You can find Jessica on Facebook and Instagram and follow her music on Spotify

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