Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Single Review - Boy On The Train - Morganway


Described by the band as having Primal Scream and Rolling Stones vibes, Boy On The Train, the new single from Morganway, does indeed have those influences – at first at least!  Once the violin kicks in you know its Morganway - but with a difference.  It’s Morganway because of the energy in every line, the difference is in the vocal with Callum opening and  SJ sharing the lead this time.

It has always been hard to pin the band down to any one genre – we coined the expression “Rowdy folk” for them previously – but it is safe to say that by blending Country, Americana, Rock, and Folk they have developed their own sound, best described as “Morganway”.

The song starts with guitar, which is joined by violin, then drums – then just an explosion of energy as, well, everything joins in!

The song originated from Callum strumming a guitar at night on tour and developed into the finished article – fittingly a story of family and the separation and connection caused by touring, the inspiration being Callum’s family on their way to join the band on tour.  It’s a perfect time to release the song too, as the band have just come off a tour with Belle and Sebastian and will be playing across festivals this summer including the main stage at The Long Road Festival in August.

Boy On The Train is destined to be a crowd pleaser, and you can already hear the sing-along that will be happening as the audience join in with the incredibly catchy chorus.

Get yourself ready for the Morganway performances at this year’s festivals…

She’s got the ticket, and the Boy On The Train

Boy On The Train, the new single from Morganway is available to download and stream from Friday 28 June.

You can find Morganway on Facebook and Instagram and follow them on Spotify

Morganway are represented by Zimagined Artist Management

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