Wednesday, May 15, 2024

EP Review - To Be Continued - Emily Lockett


With Buckle and Boots only a week or so away, we’ve been sent an exclusive preview of an EP that will be released at the festival.  Although this year will be the first time that Staffordshire based artist Emily Lockett will be performing, its certainly not her first rodeo, having performed at the first ever British Country Music Festival in Blackpool as well as other big events around the country, and recently opened two dates for Buckle and Boots  favourite Jade Helliwell.

Although she is perfectly comfortable being alone on stage with just a guitar, Emily has put together a new, all female, band this year, and on the new EP you can hear how the fuller sound really adds to her performance.

Initially a CD only release, with a possibility of digital release in the future, To Be Continued contains 4 tracks, some of which you may have heard Emily play at live gigs.  The storytelling in the songs often deals with themes of love and heartbreak, but very much from a modern – might one say “gen Z”? – perspective, with pop culture references scattered throughout.

Opening with Blow Your Mind, Emily’s distinctive vocal is backed with a guitar and drum line that gives the EP a rocking start, excellent instrumental breaks and backing vocals make this a song that is going to sound great on stage!  Rush Hour Crush was inspired by the feature of the same name in the free newspaper you can pick up on trains and buses. It’s the story of seeing someone, fleetingly, on a train journey.  It’s probably the time to make the Taylor Swift comparison at this point – Emily’s personal sound does put you in mind of Taylor, as does the modern take on love songs.  There is no question of impersonation, just a pop country similarity!  As the vocal and instrumentation rise, you can hear the imploring, wanting the object of the crush to notice you – although you aren’t going to do anything more than wish!

Your New Blonde jumps straight in – straight in with the vocal, straight in with the emotion “I hope she hurts you”.  Its another real story, the aftermath of an ugly break up.  Wishing your ex goes through what they put you through is an emotion as old as time, brought up to date with the idea of watching it from afar over social media.  Describing the new girlfriend as “your new blonde” helps with the mix of emotion and reluctant hate, and the delivery feels like the hate is expressed through tears.  Final track Back Of The Church really displays Emily’s gift for descriptive songwriting.  Even those four words conjures up the image of a wedding with the storyteller creeping in late to avoid being seen, sitting at the back away from all the other guests – the wedding she doesn’t want to be at, but just couldn’t keep away from.

Although still relatively young, Emily writes songs with an apparent lifetime of experience behind them. This new ep is stories of unrequited love but delivered in a positive way with plenty of energy. Modern, pop country but very relatable to most listeners.  An accomplished guitar and keyboard player, now backed by her new band Emily has plenty more to show us, and her future is very much To Be Continued.


To Be Continued, the new ep from Emily Lockett will initially be released only on CD and will be available after her Buckle and Boots performance.

If you are at the festival, mark 6:30 on the Paddock Stage in your planner to see Emily Lockett and her band playing live.


Find Emily on Facebook and Instagram, her website and follow her on Spotify

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